Best Practices to handle number of instruments greater than its limit

Hello team,

We need your guidance with the handling the number of instruments greater than its limit.

For example - instrument count is 385909 and as per our understanding limit for EOD pricing data is 75000.

And going forward, through the underlying RIC, instrument will get expanded and will increase.

So If you can help me with, if there are any best practices to handle more number of instruments than its limit.

Need your help to handle the limit in both the cases.


Trisha Gehlot

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @trisha.gehlot,

    This document describes the limits of various endpoints and report templates. The EOD pricing does indeed have a limit of 75000 records limit. The document recommends to break up the list into multiple requests and send the next request after the previous one finishes.



  • Thank you @Gurpreet for your response and confirming the limit!!

    Looking for the best way to to break up the list into multiple requests and send the next request after the previous one finishes. Could you guide on the same??

  • Hi @trisha.gehlot,

    There is no specific way to break up the list. The code will depend on the programming language that you use. Your application code will also have to wait for first request to finish by checking the returned status code. If you are new to DSS API, then I recommend that you should start from the Quickstart and step by step tutorials about this API.

  • Thank you @Gurpreet !!

    Will look into documents and try to work on this requirement.