Chain processing in Ema C/C++


I could not find any LSEG 64Bit C/C++ examples of how to process chains in Ema.

Can somebody please point me to the one?

Thanks, Vlad.

Best Answer


  • I got the article and am familiar with concepts. For Java a chain processing is based on ValueAddObjectsForEma library. Does similar library exist for C/C++ with chains implementation in it?
  • Hi @vladislav.tolmachyov​,

    No we don't have a similar library for C++. The closest is the sample in .NET C#.

  • Ok, is there C++ Refinitiv/LSEG provided API? Where is it documented?
  • No, there is no C++ API or library for Chains processing.
  • So, if I have old C++ 32Bit application that uses chains and I need to convert it to new 64Bit EMA application what are my choices?
  • Hi @vladislav.tolmachyov,

    Which API does your existing 32 bit application use? Essentially the chain processing logic is same - regardless of the API or language, and this processing logic is described in detail in the two part articles shared in previous answer.