Different API Keys for Prod and DEV - Datascope Select

We have a query on the API key being generated when using your API.

For background, we are using the API in our production environment everyday but we also very periodically test pulling data into our dev environment too. At the moment, it appears both have the same API key which we are a bit worried about. Ideally, we would have different keys in prod and dev. Is this something that would be possible?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hello @rishabh.nahata,

    For DSS, the access token is generated by the server when user exchanges it for their credentials using the /RestApi/v1/Authentication/RequestToken endpoint. This token is unique for subsequent calls and the one you are getting in production will be different from the one in the dev environment.

    I don't think, DSS provides dev credentials - but you can speak to someone from the product team.


  • Hello @Gurpreet Currently we have a big ingestion job that runs once per day, but we wanted to do some testing in our developer environment. We want to make sure that if we are making requests to the DataScope REST API from our dev environment that we are not going to affect our production environment’s daily ingestion. Is there any rate limiting or anything similar on the API? Or would it be safe for us to use the same credentials when we’re testing in dev.

  • Yes, there are a lot of limits that apply to an account, and using the same credential will count towards this limit. You can read about the limits in this best practice document.