Problem with refinitiv-data.config.json for refinitiv-data library

I have made changes to refinitiv-data.config.json file, but it seems they are not taken over. How to test whether the config is proper considered.

Project structure:


My config file is as follows:


"sessions": {


"platform": {

"rdp": {

"app-key": "xxx",

"username": "xxx",

"password": "xxx"




"apis": {

"data": {

"datagrid": {

"underlying-platform": "udf"





and I am trying to open a session:

import os

os.environ["RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = "./Configuration"

import as rd

from import fundamental_and_reference

import datetime

rd.open_session() -> error here:

[Error 401] - {'error': 'invalid_client', 'error_description': 'Invalid Application Credential.'}

< object at 0x1d196f09e50 {name='rdp'}>

When I use the same credentials directly with :

session = rd.session.platform.Definition(



username= "xxx",




rd.session.set_default(session) -> I get my session opened and I also get data from

response = fundamental_and_reference.Definition(

["TRI.N", "IBM.N"],

["TR.Revenue", "TR.GrossProfit"]


I want to use config file as I am testing the differences in outputs between UDF Datagrid and RDP Datagrid

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Anastasiia.Shcherbak

    As mentioned by my colleague, the Platform Session does not support the UDF. You need to use the Desktop Session (the Workspace/Eikon desktop application is required).

    I did a quick test with the Desktop Session as follows:

    "sessions": {
            "default": "desktop.workspace",
            "desktop": {
                "workspace": {
                    "app-key": "App_Key"



    Then when I tested with the Platform Session:

    "sessions": {
            "default": "platform.platform",
            "platform": {
                "rdp": {
                    "app-key": "App Key",
                    "username": "User ID",
                    "password": "Password",
                    "auto-reconnect": true,
                    "server-mode": true,
                    "signon_control": true




  • @Anastasiia.Shcherbak

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    For readability, the code and configurations should be posted in the code block.


    I have tested the configuration and it worked fine.

    You may need to enable logging in the library to verify what the problem is by using the following code.

    config = rd.get_config()
    config.set_param("logs.transports.file.enabled", True)
    config.set_param("", "refinitiv-data-lib.log")
    config.set_param("logs.level", "debug")

    Then, the refinitiv-data-lib.log file will be created. Please share this log file.

    I found the following message in the log file.

    [2024-05-03T17:00:33.267845+07:00] - [sessions.platform.rdp.0] - [DEBUG] - [109384 - MainThread] - [_definition] - [_update_content_type] - UDF DataGrid service cannot be used with platform sessions, RDP DataGrid will be used instead. The "/apis/data/datagrid/underlying-platform = 'udf'" parameter will be discarded, meaning that the regular RDP DataGrid service will be used for Fundamental and Reference data requests.

    This indicates that the platform.rdp session doesn't support UDF DataGrid.

  • I am getting the following log:

    [2024-05-03T12:51:11.215357+02:00] - [sessions.platform.rdp.17] - [DEBUG] - [8728 - MainThread] - [_platform_session] - [_connection] - Created session connection SessionCxnType.REFINITIV_DATA
    [2024-05-03T12:51:11.217347+02:00] - [sessions.platform.rdp.17] - [DEBUG] - [8728 - MainThread] - [_session_provider] - [session_provider] - + Session created: PlatformSession
    name = 'rdp'
    connection = RefinitivDataConnection
    stream_auto_reconnection = True
    authentication_token_endpoint_url =
    signon_control = True
    server_mode = False
    state = OpenState.Closed
    session_id = 17
    logger_name = sessions.platform.rdp.17

    What would be then the config to be able to use udf? Something like below did not work for me:

    "sessions": {
    "platform": {
    "default": {
    "app-key": "APP_KEY",
    "username": "USERNAME",
    "password": "PASSWORD",
    "auto-reconnect": true,
    "server-mode": true,
    "signon_control": true
    "apis": {
    "data": {
    "datagrid": {
    "underlying-platform": "udf"
  • @Anastasiia.Shcherbak

    As far as I know, the UDF works with the desktop.workspace. You need to run Eikon or Workspace on the maching to use the desktop.workspace session.

    "default": "desktop.workspace",

    Moreover, no need to overide it on the configuration file.

    Please use the configuration file on GitHub.