Price Target data retruning from rd.get_data when data exists in DIB

hello, for many symbols, for one example, CUSIP 094235108

DIB shows data for:




but when i pull the data with rd.get_data in python, all three return <NA>.

is there a difference in pulling via CUSIP as i do in rd.get_data vs how Eikon converts the cusip to a RIC before opening DIB? why is this happening?

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    @mjg ,

    Sorry for the delay in the answer. Regarding the values that doesn't seem right I would definitely suggest raising a content query via or Help&Support section in Workspace as what I understood your issue is related to the content itself. So please raise with the content team and they will bring a specialist who can answer to that question better.

    Best regards,



  • Hi @mjg ,

    Just checked for the example you have provided and I get the data:

    rd.get_data(universe = '094235108', fields = ['TR.PriceTargetMedian','TR.PriceTargetMean','TR.PriceTargetNumIncEstimates'])


    Can you share the code you are using so we have a look what might be wrong?

    Best regards,


  • if i only ask for that one CUSIP, i get the data back too. my rd call asks for these fields for about 5592 cusips. would the length of my cusip list or the length of my field list matter?

    df = rd.get_data(





















  • Hi @mjg ,

    It would be hard for me to see what is the issue without being able to reproduce it on my end, however there shouldn't be any data difference issue depending on the number of universes in the request.

    Nevertheless, we do advice users to divide large identifier lists into smaller chunks do avoid API response errors.

    Best regards,


  • okay, so, when i use chunks of 500 the data comes back - but how do you explain these errant results.

    for cusip G3643J108

    Price Target - Median 19300

    this does not match DIB, what's going on here?

    my concern is now morphing into a concern about why i wasn't getting errors in the first place, and now why i am getting bad data =X

    thanks for your prompt responses

  • Hi @mjg ,

    I quickly checked the price target mean for G3643J108 and it does show 19300 on my end which matches the API output (with single cusip).


    As for not getting data, that might be because of API Limitations, please check it here and note that same limits for Eikon Library apply to RD as well:

    For example, get_data returns 10,000 datapoints max, which exceeds in your situation of 5592 RICs with 17 fields.

    Best regards,


  • FLUT is trading $195.80 - 19,300 is just insane and wrong -

    .... and the median target price is $246 - even in DIB


  • are you looking at FLTRF.L instead?

    isn't the CUSIP supposed to 'solve for that' issue? that is why i am using the cusip, to try to lock down on the exact security (the u.s. security ...) G3643J108 which is FLUT

  • well, thanks for solving this:

    For example, get_data returns 10,000 datapoints max, which exceeds in your situation of 5592 RICs with 17 fields.


    it seems like for the cusip/symbology stuff, that's another issue that merits its own investigation either/both on my side and on the api...