Error with URL - Search/FuturesAndOptionsSearch

We are getting error while accessing URL -, through code.

Before Friday it was working. On Friday it gave error with Contact support message.

PFA the error got today.

Please guide if server is down, or something needs to be done from our side.Searched for Futures and Options unsuccessfully with status code 503.txt

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @trisha.gehlot,

    The DSS API and the Futures and Options Search is working normally. The response message that you pasted is being generated by your organization proxy server and shows that this URL is blocked by your organization.

    Please contact your network administrator to get the DSS URL's whitelisted.


  • Thank you @Gurpreet for quick response and help!!

    I added proxy URL authentication and now its giving -

    'Content of request: b\'<!DOCTYPE html><!--Policy Name: [SSLV Default]; Proxy Server: [DRDS1BCI21]; Username: []; go/proxy--><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>SSLV Default</title></head><body>Network Error A communication error occurred: "" The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.</body></html>

    Could you please check this and give confirmation & guide?

    Many thanks!!

  • This response message is also originating from your corporate proxy server and not DSS server. You should reach out to your networking team to identify the issue.

    You can test the DSS API by using your app from public internet - like home network etc.

  • Thank you @Gurpreet!!

    Checking with team.