Download filings data via CODEBK

Client has access to CODEBK (and he uses that for accessing financial data). However, he does not to seem to have access to filings data via Codebook. This is strange, given that he does have access to filings data via Advanced Filing Search (ADVFIL). He does already have the code in CodeBook, but do not get any output (screenshot attached).MicrosoftTeams-image.png

A "setting" (as suggested in is preventing him from accessing it via Codebook. How can this issue be resolved?

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @avinash.sonde

    I can retrieve the data directly from RDP via CODEBK, but not using a desktop session. It's unclear whether the service is made available for desktop users. I would suggest you contact the "Get Help & Support" (F1) within Workspace and they can confirm if the service is even accessible using your desktop credentials.


  • In the post above, it is suggested that "It appears you do not have proper permissions to retrieve Filings data via CodeBook/Workspace". Could you please help with this, to give me the proper permission to retrieve Filings data via Codebook (instead of only via "Advanced Filing Search"?

  • Thank you, will convey this to the client
  • @nick.zincone Hi Nick, what exactly is a 'desktop session'? The client is currently using Codebook in browser. And if he wants to set up RDP, then can he follow the steps mentioned in the link below?

  • @nick.zincone Any luck on this?
  • Hi @avinash.sonde

    When using the Data Libraries they have been designed to work with users that can either connect using their Desktop Credentials or Platform (RDP) Credentials. A desktop session is mostly used when using CodeBook as you typically are required connect directly using your desktop credentials. However, if the user has RDP Credentials, in theory, they can connect to the RDP Cloud within CodeBook - that is what I did. However, users typically access the RDP / Platform data via their own IDEs.

  • Hi @avinash.sonde

    I was not necessarily suggesting you don't have proper permissions but rather if the Filings data is even available for any user within the desktop - I personally don't have access and recall this service is only available for RDP users. As mentioned, you need to reach out to the Get Help & Support within the desktop to confirm if Filings is programmatically available for desktop users.