getting 1-minute trading volume in RDP

Hello, I am using the Refinitiv data package and I am trying to get historical 1minute volume for futures (eg ticker ESc1) using rd.get_history. What is the right fieldname for 1minute volume? I tried VOLUME_1 and TRDVOL_1 but they dont seem to work.

df=rdp.get_history('ESc1',interval='minute',fields='VOL_1',start='05-03-2024 00:00:00',end='05-06-2024 10:00:00')

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @theo.athanasiadis01

    Try the field: 'ACVOL_UNS'.

    For example:


    You can actually see a complete list of the available fields by not specifying the 'fields' parameter.
