Service not available/Request Timeout issue while subscribing for RICS using EMA API

Hi Team,

Recently, we are getting too many responses containing Service Not Available/Request Timeout/A7:Source did not respond while subscribing for RICS using EMA API. Please find attached the log file.

May 09 2024 01:12:40 pool-8-thread-1 WARN nitiv.RefinitivDataServiceImpl [] - RIC 000697.SZ/SNAPSHOT/SECURITY/DSS is STALE Open / Suspect / None / 'A7: Source did not respond.'
May 09 2024 01:12:55 pool-8-thread-1 WARN nitiv.RefinitivDataServiceImpl [] - RIC NGNE.OQ/SNAPSHOT/SECURITY/DSS is STALE Open / Suspect / None / 'Request timeout'

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @dimple.shah

    ### The Error Message ###

    The message 'A7: source did not respond' is generated by the ADS after it requests an instrument from a known valid upstream service but does not receive a response for the item and the item retry limit has been reached.

    Therefore, this would indicate that the ADH (or the Interactive OMM Provider) is not sending the instrument data to the ADS / it is not receiving the item from the ADH for some reason.

    If you are using in-house deployed RTDS, I recommend you contact your Market Data team.

    Alternatively, you may contact the Real-Time support team to investigate the issue on your RTDS servers. You can contact the team via website.


    ### The API Side ###

    About the EMA API side, the application got the status message with "Stream": "Open" with "Data":"Suspect" values. it means the item stream remain opened, but data is not available right now. The RTDS/API automatic recovery item subscription for the application once the problem resolved on the server-side.

    However, if it takes too long you may need to contact the Real-Time Support team as I have mentioned above.