How do I convert from "RTRProxyManagedVariable&" to "RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr"?

Hello there ,

Issue is memory leak in RMC API C++

OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9, RMC API is rmc2.2.0.L1.linux.

The question is how do I convert from "RTRProxyManagedVariable&" to "RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr"?

In bool Monitor::addToList( const RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr var )

I store the RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr in a standard c++ vector

In the function void dropFromList(const RTRProxyManagedVariable& var)

A reference to a RTRProxyManagedVariable is passed not RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr

I can't figure out how to convert from RTRProxyManagedVariable toa RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr so that I can find it in my list so that I can drop the variable.

I have attached the code segments below...

Global variable
vector <RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr *> vecVarPtr;
bool Monitor::addToList( const RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr var )

RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr varPtr;
RTRBOOL variable_found = RTRFALSE; //used to ensure that the variables added in the same order as we see them
RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr *nPtr = new RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr;
*nPtr = var;
if(vecVarPtr.size() == 0)

for(size_t ix=0; ix< vecVarPtr.size(); ix++)

varPtr = *(vecVarPtr[ix]);
if (varPtr->error())

if (varPtr->hasClient(*this))
return false;
if ( var->context().instanceId() == varPtr->context().instanceId() )
variable_found = RTRTRUE;
if ( ( variable_found ) && (var->context().instanceId() != varPtr->context().instanceId()) )

return true;
void Monitor::dropFromList(const RTRProxyManagedVariable& var)
for(size_t ix=0; ix< vecVarPtr.size(); ix++)

RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr *varPtr = vecVarPtr[ix];
if ((unsigned long)&(*(*varPtr)) == (unsigned long)(&var))
delete varPtr;


  • @louis.louca

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I checked the header files and found that RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr is RTRObjRef<RTRProxyManagedVariable>. It is a smart pointer of RTRProxyManagedVariable.

    typedef RTRObjRef<RTRProxyManagedVariable> RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr;

    This is one of the constructors of RTRObjRef (gcref.h).

        // _TAG Constructor
        // A pointer to the object referenced by t.
        inline RTRObjRef(T& t)
            : _impl(&t)
            if ( _impl )

    Moreover, there are overloaded operators of RTRObjRef.

    // Operators

        // _TAG01 Operators
        inline T *operator->() const { return (T*)_impl; }

        // _TAG01 Operators
        inline T& operator*() const { return *_impl; }

    I hope that this information is of help.

  • Thanks for the reply, but it does not answer my question.

    I am unable to get rid of memory leak as I can't figure out how to compare RTRProxyManagedVariable& var with RTRProxyManagedVariablePtr var so that i can drop appropriate pointer as explained previously.

    Please look at the functions I supplied.

  • @louis.louca

    Please contact the API support team direclty via Contact Premium Support to verify the code and investigate this issue.

    If you are a Refinitiv Developer Connect named user, you will see the Contact Premium Support when logging on this page.

  • I clicked on the link provided but can't find the " Contact Premium Support" option on the page.
