"How can I execute a DSGRID function using Python?"

"I have a list of ISINs for some corporate bonds in an Excel table and I want to get the time series data for these bonds, for the variable yield to redemption. I am currently using the DSGRID function in Excel, which looks like this: @DSGRID(Tabelle1!$A$1:$A$14;"RY";"-2Y";"";"D";"RowHeader=true;ColHeader=true;Transpose=true;DispSeriesDescription=false;YearlyTSFormat=false;QuarterlyTSFormat=false;AutoRefresh=false;MonthlyTSFormat=False";"")''' which gives the time series of the related ISINs of A1 to A14. Now, I would like to use Python in the following way: Specifically, I want Python to open the Excel table, execute the function, save the updated table, and then close it. However, I do not know how to pass this function to Excel using Python and to ensure that Excel then executes the function. I work with anaconda on windows.

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