REDI API C# OrderCache duplicate messages

Based on my logging, it appears I am receiving duplicate CacheControl (Ordercache) order/fill events.

2024-05-13 07:59:31,035 [4] INFO OrdMgr - Processing order. Symbol[TME] OrdRefKey[gS012391133] Memo[] Status[Complete] ExecQty[200] ExecPrice[13.6]
2024-05-13 07:59:31,358 [4] INFO OrdMgr - Processing order. Symbol[TME] OrdRefKey[gS012391133] Memo[] Status[Complete] ExecQty[200] ExecPrice[13.6]

Is this possible? What else can I log to verify that these are or are NOT duplicate messages?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You may need to log the action and row paramsters.



  • Is it possible to receive a new insert (4) with a status of "Complete", and NOT receive an immediate update (5) indicating that this order is "Complete" (filled)?

  • @elf

    Typically, the first state of the order should be Open. Then, it will be changed to other states.


    However, I will contact the product team to confirm this.