Add RIC-s to batch request ETA


We are using the ETA C SDK, connected to RTDS to receive real-time data.
A batch request is sent to subscribe for certain instruments. (like shown in TransportAPI_C_DevGuide 13.7.4)
Closing stream-s is implemented as well. (like shown in TransportAPI_C_DevGuide 13.7.6)
Is there any way to "add" RIC-s to an already open batch, or issuing a new batch is required all the time?
Can we use already closed stream id-s to issue additional RIC-s for streaming or streamId has to be unique?
Is it a good practice to use the same stream Id for closing multiple streams all the time?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Best regards

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching to us.

    No, new RICs can't be added to the already open batch. The application needs to issue a new batch request for new subscriptions.

    The stream ID must be unique for each stream or subscription so the ETA applications need to make sure that all stream IDs used by the applications are unique. Otherwise, the server will reject the subscriptions.