Equity Ratings Eikon API Using Python

Hi all,

I am using the Eikon API for Python with the fields shown below.

fields_pricingdata_eq = ['TR.RICCode',






'Avail(TR.CompanyMarketCap.currency, TR.FundCurrency)',








'Avail(TR.PriceClose(Curn=EUR), TR.FundNav(Curn=EUR))',







'TR.IssuerRating(IssuerRatingSrc=MIS; RatingScope=DMS)',

'TR.IssuerRating(IssuerRatingSrc=MIS; RatingScope=FRN)',

'TR.IssuerRating(IssuerRatingSrc=SPI; RatingScope=DMS)',

'TR.IssuerRating(IssuerRatingSrc=SPI; RatingScope=FRN)',

'TR.IssuerRating(IssuerRatingSrc=FDL; RatingScope=DMS)',

'TR.IssuerRating(IssuerRatingSrc=FDL; RatingScope=FRN)'


requesting with the following function

rd.get_data(ids, fields, parameters={'SDate': start_date})

get_pricingdata(list(request_isins), fields_assetcategory,request_date)

the function is a little bigger than you see here i just cutted it down for the understanding.

The issue now is, that the ratings do not work properly, all the other fields work perfectly, for the ratings i only get the same rating for all the 6 columns if there is one.

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Manuel.Hita.Hochgesand

    For content-based questions, its usually best to contact the Helpdesk and they can bring in a content specialist to determine why you are receiving the same results based on the formula you are using to request for ratings data.

    For example, I tried the following and did not receive the same ratings values:


    So, the content specialist can help derive the correct way to construct your field to retrieve your desired result.