Need help on accessing RIC pricing information via refinitiv API


Tried below API on API playground - but seems access denied , tried refinitiv credentials but still not letting me in.

can someone please help me on this please. need to get RIC snap via http request.

Example below,KIBOR=

JSON response on API playground is as below. whom do i need to contact?

  "error": {
    "id": "2334fbbc-e7a4-41e1-8f76-17fbdebdf5b2",
    "code": "insufficient_scope",
    "message": "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: []. Missing scopes: []",
    "status": "Forbidden"

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @raghava.belagola

    The error message "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: []. Missing scopes: []" indicates that your RDP account does not have a permission to request this /data/pricing/beta3/snapshots API endpoint.

    • If you posted this question on behalf of the client, you need to contact the client's LSEG representative or Account Manager to verify the client's permission.
    • If you posted this question for your own RDP usage, you need to submit a request to Service Now to request a permission for this endpoint.

    ### /data/pricing/snapshots/v1/ ###

    There is also a /data/pricing/snapshots/v1/ endpoint for the Wealth product's customer. You may try this API instead of you are the Wealth product client.




  • JSON response is : whom do i need to contact for permission?

      "error": {
        "id": "2334fbbc-e7a4-41e1-8f76-17fbdebdf5b2",
        "code": "insufficient_scope",
        "message": "access denied. Scopes required to access the resource: []. Missing scopes: []",
        "status": "Forbidden"
  • Hi

    I tried on Wealth product's customer. but getting access error again. please provide service now link and steps to create tickets. its always confusing to point to the right group for permissioning and exact details will help



  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin

    Hello @raghava.belagola

    The /data/pricing/snapshots/v1/ shows the same permission issue.

    You can find the current Service Now link on the page as follows:


    Then search for the "RDP" word on the Service Now page, it should suggest the right link to request RDP permission for you.service-now-2.png

  • Hi,

    i got access and able to pull data. But Bearer token gets expires and

    {"error":{"id":"6608f301-c2f7-4a96-99d0-4646b6d953cc","code":"401","message":"token expired","status":"Unauthorized"}}

    error is thrown. How to form dynamic token and send to python request payload is needed.

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin

    Hello @raghava.belagola

    When you obtain the access token from RDP, you also get other information as follows:

    • expires_in: Access token validity time in seconds
    • refresh_token: Refresh token to use used for getting next access token

    The expires_in value is he access token live time (in seconds). After expires_in seconds, the access token is expired and if you use that token in the request, you will get that HTTP 401 token expired message.

    To avoid this, you need to refresh the token before the expires_in seconds via the application code.

    User-Agent: python-requests/2.12.4
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept: application/json
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 106
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Authorization: Basic RDZENz*************DNkNEREQ3NDo=

    Then you get a new access token, with the expires_in of that access token and the refresh token.

    Please find more detail on the following resources:

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin

    Hello @raghava.belagola

    Additionally, there is also the mitations and Guidelines for the RDP Authentication Service that you need to consider.

  • i used authentication API but getting below error. i used Tutorials | Devportal ( please ping on teams , where i can show the steps i took


  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin

    Hello @raghava.s

    I checked your HTTP request message. The client_id property is missing post message body of the Password Grant.

    The HTTP request should be like this:

    POST /auth/oauth2/v1/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 180

    username=<RDP Username/Machine-ID>&password=<Password>&grant_type=password&scope=trapi&takeExclusiveSignOnControl=true&client_id=<App Key>

    Please note that the takeEclusiveSignOnControl property is optional. If you set it to true, it overrides any previous session you logged on i.e. force sign-out this ID from other applications and sign-in here.

    I am noticed that the RDP Tutorials missing the client_id information in the HTTP example. I will notify the RDP about this issue.

  • Hi,

    Please confirm if the RDP HTTP could be used on a strategic cloud platform. hope this APIs are not legacy which might be scrapped later.



  • Hello @raghava.s

    I did not hear any plans to scrap the RDP APIs. I strongly suggest you contact the RDP team directly if you need more information.

  • please provide RDP team mail ID, will contact

  • Hello @raghava.s

    You can find the internal RDP product page by searching "Refinitiv Data Platform" or "Delivery Platform" on the LSEG SharePoint, it should be on the first search result. Inside the page, you will see the product contact point.

    Note: As LSEG rebranding policy, the Refinitiv Data Platform will be changed name to Delivery Platform (as of June 2024).