RDMS API Code to convert €/Mwh to €/kwh (multiplied by 1000)

Using RDMS API CurveValues Endpoint and need to convert €/Mwh to €/kwh (multiplied by 1000)

Appreciate to help with script. example curve ID 112790485

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @vinaya.shetty0 ,

    The code below can be used


    import datetime
    import requests
    import json

    api = 'https://xxxx.rdms.refinitiv.com/api/v1';
    headers = { 'Authorization' : 'apikey-v1 xxxx'}

    curveid = 112790485
    scenarioID = 0
    minValueDate = '2018-01-01 00:00:00'
    maxValueDate = '2018-01-01 02:00:00'
    resultTimezone = 'Central Europe Standard Time'
    unitConversion = 1000

    #curve data
    print('requesting curve ' + str(curveid) + ' data..')
    result = requests.get(api + '/CurveValues/'+str(curveid)+'?/ScenarioID='+str(scenarioID)+'&MinValueDate='+minValueDate+'&MaxValueDate='+maxValueDate+'&ResultTimezone='+resultTimezone, headers=headers, verify=True)

    if result.status_code == 200:
    values = result.json()
    print(str(len(values)) + ' curve data points returned')
    for value in values:
    value['convertedValue'] = value['value']*unitConversion
    print('Request failed: ' + str(result.status_code))


    and here's the result

