Eikon API - Adding LEI numbers, Company Name and Story Headline of entities in output

Hi, I'm trying to add the LEI numbers, Company Name and Story Headline to my current search but not sure how to do it.

Below is my current code which is gathering weekly news headlines from the free text search.

image Any help would be great thanks.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You need to check the headlines.data.raw data.

    I found that it contains RICs (R:) and PermIDs (P:) related to that news.


    Therefore, you can get PermIDs from the raw headlines. Then, you can use the rd.get_data method to get LEI and name. For example:


    Finally, you need to create a new dataframe from the raw headlines data and the result from the rd.get_data method.