How to add historical date when using the quick function, GRMEDIAN, from Workspace Excel to Python?

Refinitiv Data Platform (Workspace) - Python - Windows
How do we add a date as a row header from the code below? This produces historical data and the client asks if we could add dates for each data point.

import as rd


df = rd.get_data(

universe = ['NVDA.O'],

fields = ['GRMEDIAN(TR.TRBCIndustry,TR.F.PriceToBookValuePerShr(SDate=2014-01-01,EDate=2024-05-21,Period=FI0,Frq=FQ),universe="EquityAll")/*RefinitivSectorPBMedian*/']



Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @gianamadeus.garnace01

    I think the best resource for this specific formula and how to specify a historical date field would be the helpdesk. Within Workspace, you can access the "Get Help & Support" (F1) feature and they will bring in a content specialist to determine if/how this can be done.
