Structure RICs

Hi is there any way to find about all RIC connected to a specific RIC
Example: For 3 Month SOFR Futures its RIC is SRA, for its Future Outright chain its 0#SRA: for its Futures spread chain its 0#SRA-:, for its futures butterfly chain its 0#SRABF-: similarly for condor chain its 0#SRACF-:.

I found these using hit and trial. Is there any page or any way to get all the structure chains connected to one RIC?

Best Answer

  • m.bunkowski
    Answer ✓

    Hi @dhruv.singh.1

    You can use this approach to get RIC codes that share the same Ric Root.

    You can modify the RicRoot and add '*', like 'SRA*' to get more results but some may not be relevant. I know that it is not perfect but can help with identifying RIC codes.

    import as rd
    filter = "RicRoot eq 'SRA' and IsChain eq true",


  • Hi @dhruv.singh.1

    It's probably best to go through the helpdesk or use the "Get Help & Support" (F1) within Worksspace. They will bring in a content specialist to determine if it is possible to use a root chain that lists all available chains for any given RIC.