Withdrawal of version 1 authentication system - will it affect clients using RFA api's?

Hello, we have many mutual clients using Refinitiv market data. Our clients use market data adapter that uses RFA api's to consume Level1 and Level2. Recently I came across a document[attached here] which explains withdrawal of version 1 authentication system. So I have following questions in that regard -

  • Does that affect consumers using RFA api?
  • If yes, what changes needs to be done?
  • Will Refinitiv reach out to clients directly to explain changes?

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @mktdata

    Please be informed that the Authentication Version 1 end of support affects the clients who consume data from the Real-Time Optimized (RTO) only.

    • If your clients use the RFA API (C++, Java, .Net) to consume data from the deployed RTDS (or RTMDS), the changed does not impact them.
    • If your clients use the RFA API to consume data from RTO via the LPC (Legacy Protocol Converter) server, they need to get the Authentication Version 2 account (CIAM, aka Service Account) and upgrade the LPC to at least version 1.4.0 (Upgrade to the latest version is recommended). No code change on the API side.

    About the "Will Refinitiv reach out to clients directly to explain changes?" question, there are currently 2 PCNs published on my.refinitiv.com website as follows:

    I hope this information helps.