world-check (premium) data file documentation and update times in a day

We are consuming world-check premium data-files that are located at this /premium_datafiles/">ftp location.

We want to learn (or verify) how many (and at which) times those files are updated in a day. Based on (an old) public documentation here, it says it is updated twice a day (Document Version 2.6 - Date of issue: 17 December 2019):

All World-Check Data Files are produced two times each day, at 05:00 and 17:00 UTC. Updated files are available until the next publishing time, 12 hours later. All files are released at once at that time.

But I am not sure if this information is still up-to-date.

There seems to be another documentation page here, but we do not have access to it for some reason (on the page - status: pending approval).

Question: Is it still the case that those files are updated at 05:00 and 17:00 UTC in a day? Also can we get access to this documentation page?

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