refinitiv formula excel generate issue

I am trying to retrieve data for a list of ticker and date in excel, the formula for the single cell work well, example of formula
=@RDP.Data(N1782,"TR.CGBoardSize","SDate=#1 EDate=#2 Period=FY1",,TESTO(Z1782-364,"YYYY-MM-DD"),$Z1782)

When I copy and paste the formula in the other cells the formula is correctlycopied for several cells, but for others it seems like the formula interrupt, then there is a cell with just a value and then a gap of empty cells to restart with another cell with formula, after several cell another cell with value and a pool of empty cells, and so on. If i copy and paste the formula in the empty cells, the data is retrived but other cells (not all) with values update losing their values. It is a loop almost endless to fill a whole column of data. What could be the issue?


Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @gaetano.martinico ,

    Thank you for your patience. As this forum is dedicated to an API
    usage question hence, the moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise
    in every type of Workspace Excel product. Such expertise
    is available through the Helpdesk, which can be reached via MyAccount.

    However, Refinitiv has an agreement with the University to direct users and students to their University’s Librarian or School Administrator for assistance on content and product related inquiries as the first level of support. In alignment with the University agreement, you can reach out to your Librarian. If they need additional help from Customer Support, please advise them to raise a ticket through MyAccount

    Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.


  • Hi @gaetano.martinico ,

    Could you please provide the screenshot of the issue for better understanding?

  • @raksina.samasiri


    I add a comment in blu, that is the column with the formula filtered
    =@RDP.Data(N2,"TR.F.TotDebtPctofTotAssets","SDate=#1 EDate=#2 Period=FY1",,TESTO(Z2-364,"YYYY-MM-DD"),$Z2)
    An example of formula, if I copy the formula in the whole column occurs that bug. Several cells take the formula than one cell get a value and than other empty cells and so on in loop within the column. I created the column BA to check wether the cell has a formula or less and filtered to obtain cells with no formula as you can see are a lot. Could it be that the formula provide more than one value? but actually it shouldn't be like this. The fact that provides more than one value could generate an issue?