How to add the list of securities that have deal character code as a bond type in BRS/Aladdin?

Hi team,
I would like to request your assistance on this one.

Can the attached list of securities with deal character code is <DATACNTR> be added in BRS/Aladdin? Our client is looking to have the value <DATACNTR> added to the bond type in Aladdin.



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    This forum is dedicated to technical queries on LSEG product APIs. This query is totally off topic.

    Please check the product that the client is using and then contact the helpdesk support team via MyRefinitiv.


  • Hi team, gently bumping this query. Requesting for your kind assistance on this. Thank you so much

    Looking forward to your response.