Refinitiv .Net API Intraday Summaries Request TimeZone

Hi, I am requesting 1 minute candles for EUR= with the following:

var DataResponse = Summaries.Definition().Universe("EUR=")

I see that the timestamps for the returned records are in local time.

How would I request them to be returned in UTC?


Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @NJH

    I just tried your example now and do not observe local time. Here is my output:


    The format of the date_time is UTC and I'm presently in EST ~11:23 and the current time UTC is 3:23 (15:23).


  • Ah my apologies! I found it just as I posted this, I'm getting the DateTime out of each Record with:


    and it's converting to local
