API for get_data not working


the following query is not working at the moment:

universe=['LSEG.L', 'VOD.L'],
fields=["TR.AdjmtFactorAdjustmentDate", "TR.AdjmtFactorAdjustmentFactor", "TR.AdjmtFactorAdjustmentType", "TR.AdjmtFactorUnderlyingEventId", "TR.CACorpActEventType"],
parameters = {'SDate': '2010-01-01', 'EDate': '2024-06-1'}

Is there a global issue?



Best Answer

  • @simon.keel thanks for you question and sorry to hear about your issue - I can also replicate the issue you are experiencing - it should be returning data as I can see there is data available in the Data Item Browser app - I have opened up Case number: 13652738 on your behalf. They will reach out to you shortly. I hope this can help.


  • Thank you!

  • Hi @simon.keel

    I was able to retrieve data in my tests. For example, I first attempt to retrieve data without the specification of parameters (date range):

    I then applied the date range:


    Perhaps there may have been a global issue when both you and @jason.ramchandani01 tried. Can you try again?

  • thanks @nick.zincone ! for me the results still are empty, also after restart of workspace...

  • Hi @simon.keel

    If you are still seeing no data, I would suggest you enable logging so you can clearly see what is going on. You can enable logging via configuration or in code. For example, in code:

    # Enable logging
    rd.get_config()["logs.level"] = "debug"

    # Console
    rd.get_config()["logs.transports.console.enabled"] = True
  • hi @nick.zincone , thanks for your help, i was connected to the wrong datacenter, now works again...