Several domains in an item request?

Is possible to include several domains in the same item request to received all in the same stream?

For example, domain "MarketPrice" and "MarketByPrice" to receive L1 and L2 in the same stream.

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Alex Amat,

    The websockets protocol does not allow mixing multiple domains in a single stream. The application will have to send multiple subscription requests for each domain.


  • Ok, and does it count double for symbol limit? I mean, we have a limit of 5000 symbols, if I register one stream for L1 and other for L2, does it count as 2 symbols or only one?

    Thank you.

  • I am not sure about it. The item limit might be for the number of open streams, since RTO is a bandwidth optimized delivery - and this might get counted as two streams. I recommend that you ask the account manager to check into that.