we cannot load US stock Data - TSLA

we cannot load US stock Data - TSLA

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for the information.

    According to the snippet code, it doesn't look like to be our APIs because typically our APIs don't require the staff ID. You may need to contact developers who developed this application to verify what the problem is.


  • @kim.y.lam

    Please provide more information, such the Pyhon code that you are using.

  • @Jirapongse can please reach me at +xxx? as this is an urgent issue, thanks.
  • @kim.y.lam

    For an urgent issue, please contact your LSEG account team or sales team direclty.

    Otherwise, you can also our helpdesk support via MyRefinitiv.

    Sorry for this inconvenience.

  • yes we contacted the helpdesk and they referred us to Python team here as they said our request is out of their scope. see if the below screenshots can help to identify the problem please

