What is PE PDP?

What is PE PDP in refinitiv terms pls explain with a simple example

Best Answer

  • Hi @arjun.muralidharan,

    I cannot be certain, as I think that these acronyms stand for different things in different contexts within LSEG. However, if you are referring to DACS (Data Access Control System), then PE stands for Permissioning Entity and PDP stands for Permissioning Data Product:

    PE (Permissioning Entity): It is a unique identifier for a data product or service that a user is entitled to access.

    PDP (Permissioning Data Product): It is a code that represents a set of data items or services that a user can access.

    For example, if a user wants to access a specific RIC, they would need the appropriate PE and PDP codes. The user can use the Explore Entitlements (DACS) on MyRefitnitiv. to find PDP codes and PE for RIC(s). After filling a RIC and selecting RIC then clicking Search, the RIC code matches the input RIC will be shown. When the matched RIC is clicked, the PDP code and PE will be found.

    You can find more information here: List of all PEs and PDP Codes - where to find please? - Forum | Refinitiv Developer Community