How to get access to use

Hello I have a bussines requirement to get some data from chats that are in here: [Eikon Messenger Platform](

So I want to create an application that will be able to get messages exchanged in provided chatroom to extract some data from these.
I was looking at your tutorial that is on github: [MessegerChatBot JavaScritp Example](

But what do I have to do to get access to this api: [Messeger API](

I am using mine username and password to acquire token and it succeed but when I am trying to use API I get 401:
{"error": { "message": "user is not authorized to use the API", "code": 401 }}

So I am unable to use this API through this javascript code and from API playground also.

The question is also: am I able to get chat messages history? Because this is requirement also.

If not could you please advice me how can I achieve that?

I am Window user, writing in JavaScript and C# also. I am using code from example I've linked with changed configuration settings to use my credentials.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @mateusz.wdowiak

    Please be informed that the Messenger Bot API is now deprecated. Unfortunately, I do not any information about the replacement product or service. I strongly suggest you contact the following person for more detail:

    I hope this information helps.


  • Hi @mateusz.wdowiak ,

    Regarding the first question about unauthorized access, ticket number 13672928 has been raised on your behalf and the related team will assist you on the authorization.

    For the second question about the chat history, I've asked my colleague to check and will keep you updated