1-min VOD.L data request through Summaries Stream is returning empty data table

Using the latest Refinitiv Data Library for .Net. If I request 1-minute data for VOD.L the data table is empty. The Raw property shows the JSON data is there but not in the table. Here's the code...

string symbol = "VOD.L";
var stream = Summaries.Definition(symbol)
                      .Fields("DATE_TIME", "OPEN_PRC", "HIGH_1", "LOW_1", "TRDPRC_1", "ACVOL_UNS")

// Specify the TSI lambda expressions to capture 'Insert' and 'Update' events
stream.OnInsert((data, stream) => Common.DisplayTable($"INSERT: {DateTime.Now}", data.Table))
      .OnUpdate((data, stream) => Common.DisplayTable($"UPDATE: {DateTime.Now}", data.Table))
      .OnStatus((status, stream) => Console.WriteLine($"Status: {status}"))
      .OnError((error, stream) => Console.WriteLine($"Error: {error}"))



If I change the lambda for OnInsert to:


the data is there.

Best Answer

  • Hello @cory.schmidt.1

    I have fixed the issue and a new package (1.0.8) is available for download on BAMS.

    You should receive an email containing the details.

    Best regards,
