Announcement Date of ESG-Score

Unfortunately, as a research assistant, I don't have access to the helpdesk, so I hope that someone here can answer my question:

I want to carry out an event study and need the date on which an ESG score was published in Refintiv Eikon. The papers I have found use as the publication date, but is the ESG score in Refinitiv Eikon actually always updated at the end of the fiscal year of the respective company? What about the other dates (Calc Date, Update Date, etc.)?


Even though this forum is more for programming type questions, I hope someone could answer my question.

Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @nietz01

    This questions is more related to content and would suggest you reach out to the helpdesk and they can bring in a content specialist for ESG that can confirm what is available for your study.


  • Unfortunately, as a research assistant I do not have access to the helpdesk. Perhaps someone who does have access can forward my question.

  • Hi @nietz01

    A new support ticket (13687377) has been opened.

  • Hi @nick.zincone,

    Unfortunately, this has had no effect as I am not authorised to receive a response from the helpdesk. Thanks anyway, I will now ask my professor if he can open a ticket.