Tracking/limiting the API calls on DataScope REST API

Hello all,

Is there a way to track or limit the API calls on DataScope REST API (e.g. via a function that can be implemented)?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hello @ewa.grzybowska,

    DSS provides user and quota usage API functions which can be used to track the API usage. Also, the on demand extraction endpoint - extract with notes, includes a usage summary at the end of the extraction, which can also be used.


  • Hi @Gurpreet

    Thank you for the answer!

    Is it possible to track API calls per minute, from multiple functions though? Do we have an example of library like ratelimit to track and limit the API hits?

  • Hi @ewa.grzybowska​,

    If you are interested in periodic usage collection, then your app will have to invoke these REST API's repeatedly. You do want to be aware of the API rate limits and ensure that the app does not exceed these.