Exception Type='OmmInaccessibleLogFileException', Text='Failed to open emaLog_xxxxx.log'


A price feed program is built and run properly. However, when I set a window schedule to run the exe it throw an exception - Exception Type='OmmInaccessibleLogFileException', Text='Failed to open emaLog_xxxxx.log'...

Any idea about it ?

Thanks and regards,


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jason.ng

    My initial thought would be that this is some kind of Windows permissions issue.

    Have you confirmed which windows user account this scheduled task is executed with?

    Try explicitly setting the user - when creating your task.


  • Hello @jason.ng

    What EMA edition that you are using? Is it C/C++ or Java?

  • Hi @jason.ng

    This could also be the current directory issue.

    Some versions of Task Scheduler will run the application in C:\Windows\System32, which prevents EMA from creating the log file.

    You have to either set the "Start in" option of your task, or specify the log file location in EMA config.

  • Issue fixed by setting to run the exe as administrator. Thx

  • issue fixed~Thanks a lot~