How to get the value of field "TR.FundLaunchDate" via API PLAYGROUND using searchlight or lookup or

How to get the value of field "TR.FundLaunchDate" via API PLAYGROUND using searchlight or lookup or another endpoint ?

For example I use this EndPoint :

with this Body Request


"View": "FundQuotes",

"Filter": "(AssetState ne 'DC' and (RCSIssuerDomicileCountry xeq 'G:5M' and {0}(ExchangeName xeq 'Lipper')))",

"Boost": "AssetState ne 'DC'",

"Select": "IssuerCommonName,IssueISIN,IssuerCountry,Currency,FundLaunchDate,IssuerAdvisorCommonName,RIC,SEDOL,TickerSymbol,AssetStateName,InstrumentPermID",

"Top": 100000


The result is :


"Warnings": [

"1 invalid 'select' entry was ignored: [FundLaunchDate]"


"Total": 8030,

"Hits": [


"IssuerCommonName": "Ofi Invest ESG European Convertible Bond RC",

"IssueISIN": "FR0013275138",

"IssuerCountry": "FRA",

"Currency": "EUR",

"IssuerAdvisorCommonName": "Ofi Invest Asset Management",

"RIC": "LP68574282",

"AssetStateName": "Active",

"InstrumentPermID": "18068574282"



BUT I don't have the FundLaunchDate field value ?

Can you help me?

Best Answer


  • Hello Haykaz

    thank you for your quick reply

    I saw that the field was not available in the "FundQuotes" view


    When I try the "datagrid" entry point it looks like execution is disabled????

    Would I have a contract problem?

    Can I find this field value in another End Point?

    Sorry for poor English word

    Best Regards



  • HI @FR-SVC-RefinitiveTST ,

    That typically means you don't have access to that endpoint, you may need to speak to you Account manager around that.

    On a different note, why not you using our Python libraries for your request? See an example workflow with Refinitiv Data Libraries for Python:

    1. Get the fund RICs using Search

    df =
    view = rd.discovery.Views.FUND_QUOTES,
    filter = "AssetState ne 'DC' and (RCSIssuerDomicileCountry xeq 'G:5M' and (ExchangeName xeq 'Lipper'))",
    boost = "AssetState ne 'DC'",
    select= "IssuerCommonName,IssueISIN,IssuerCountry,Currency,FundLaunchDate,IssuerAdvisorCommonName,RIC,SEDOL,TickerSymbol,AssetStateName,InstrumentPermID",
    top = 10000)


    2. Get the launch date:

    rd.get_data(universe = df['RIC'].to_list()[:10], fields = 'TR.FundLaunchDate')


    You can also use Codebook app inside LSEG Workspace for a QuickStart and examples.

    Hope this helps and let me know if any further questions.

    Best regards,
