Add description to ATS Rics created using WebSocket API

Dear Developer community

i'm wondering if is possible to define a description when creating ATS Rics using WebSOcket API, such description to be shown in GUI ATS interface.

many thanks for you assistance and help for this topic

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    I checked the ATS installation manual, and only following ATS fields are available. There does not seem to be a field for description in these negative fields.

    X_RIC_NAME -1 Record name
    X_LOLIM_FD -3 N/A
    X_HILIM_FD -4 N/A
    X_LOW_LIM -5 N/A
    X_HIGH_LIM -6 N/A
    X_ARRAY -7 N/A
    X_BU -8 BU Name
    X_CONTAINER -9 Container Name
    X_PE -10 PE number for subscription permissioning
    X_MODEL -11 Is used only with ATS_RM_CREATE command and specifies the model name.
    X_LINK -12 Is used only with ATS_RM_CREATE command. This value is Boolean and specifies whether this record is linked or not linked to model.
    X_ARGS -13 Is used only with ATS_RM_CREATE command and specifies the input arguments of the model.
    X_HOLIDAYS -14 N/A
    X_PPE -15 PPE number for contribution permissioning


  • Hi @anass.yazane.1,

    I am not aware of any means to describe a RIC using Websocket API. You can probably use some unused fields like DSPLY_NAME and include description text when sending a Refresh message - but this probably won't show up on the ATS GUI.

  • dear @Gurpreet

    the DSPLY_NAME value is not fed in description at GUI ATS.

    I'm able to specify Container, Expiry Date using relevant fields (X_CONTAINER, EXPIR_DATE) and i'm wondering how i can specify ric descrption to be visible in GUI ATS Interface
