Code to print the list of tickers from an ETF called XBI

can you give me the code to print the list of tickers from an ETF called XBI


Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi Joseph,

    Try this:

    ["TR.FundHoldingRIC", "TR.FundHoldingName", "TR.FundCountryOfDomicile",
    "TR.FundLatestFilingDate", "TR.FundNumberOfShares", "TR.FundNumberOfSharesChanged",
    parameters={"EndNum": 100000, "StartNum": 1})



  • Thanks now I would like to display only the share price < $15 and market cap < $500M

  • Hi @Alphaspace

    I would suggest you go through the Workspace Helpdesk - F1 (Get Help & Support). They will bring in a content specialist who should be able to help determine if the filtering within the backend is possible and how it is done.