Field for Frequency or Interval


I have a list of RIC. I want to fetch the frequency or interval of each. Some of them are daily, some weekly, quarterly and so on. I don't want to check one by one. What is the fastest way to have this info? is there a field to specify this. I am using eikon python API. I also use the Excel Eikon plugin.

Best Answer

  • Hi @Ikmal Azman,

    Please note that this Developer Q&A Forum is for technical LSEG API questions. For content questions like yours, please refer to

    I can confirm that developer tools such as the DIB does not have the information you are looking for:



  • Hi @Ikmal Azman,

    May I ask what type of instrument you are enquiring about? Fixed Income? Equity? Commo?

    What fields are you interested in? TR.Close? TR.Volume? 'ASK'? 'TRDPRC_1'? 'SETTLE'? Another?

  • 1. Mix of instruments:


    2. I want to know the frequency for each of this Instrument. Is it updated/refreshed on refinitv daily, weekly, monthly? The frequency of the data refresh. So far I found the fields:

    'NRG_SPEC1', 'PR_FREQ' but it is not giving me all of the frequency.