How to identify stale prices if the index is ticking Real time ?

I am trying to identify way how we can identify if a index is ticking real time or not. Is there a datapoint which provides the last tick time? Also if the index is decimating the stale value how can that be identified ? Is there a datapoint which would tell us if the index data is stale and the exchange is open ?

I am using the Refinitiv excel plugin, so trying to find a datapoint which would help to provide this data.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Typically, it should have a time field that can be used to idenfify when the data was updated.

    However, if you are using the Refinitiv Excel plugin, please contact the helpdesk team direclty via MyAccount to verify and answer this question, as this forum is more for API programming type queries, rather than content queries.