Retrieve all available fields in

Hi all,

I'm trying to search for some information using the module

I know there a re a lot of available fields that you can search for or use to filter. However is there a way of searching for all available fields ? Like this :

response =,
    filter = "ISIN eq 'DE0008467416'",
select = "*",
    top = 1000).get_data()

Something similar to the " * " synthax in SQL to get all available fields.

Thank you !

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @adam.leroux ,

    As much as I know, there is no option to get all fields, where you are using filter. However, you can requests all fields from the view as below:

    response = search.metadata.Definition(
    view = search.Views.SEARCH_ALL

    There are two strategies, which always help me with the challenge you are having:

    1. My colleagues article here (Build queries easily using Refinitiv's Search API with Python and Jupyter | Devportal ( is very handy to search for available fields for a specific request.

    2. Building the search query via Advanced Search App in Workspace, add the columns I am interested in and exporting the query as code. The below screenshots may help to navigate: screenshot-2024-07-15-at-100156.png


    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
