utf8 codec can't decode byte 0xf7 in position 21: invalid start byte

hostname = "'MY_HOST1'"


user = "my_user"

And error is the same for impacted ads:


websocket-client version: 1.8.0


Connecting to WebSocket wss://MY_HOST1:15000/WebSocket ...

--- request header ---

GET /WebSocket HTTP/1.1

Upgrade: websocket

Host: MY_HOST1:15000

Origin: https://MY_HOST1:15000

Sec-WebSocket-Key: 6h9vNh0+SY2zRgZg25kS2Q==

Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Connection: Upgrade

Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: tr_json2

User-Agent: Python


--- response header ---

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

Upgrade: websocket

Connection: Upgrade

Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: tr_json2

Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HTtmpsexkcAFTQB78GAx2xFJAqw=

'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa7 in position 21: invalid start byte

'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa7 in position 21: invalid start byte - goodbye

WebSocket Closed

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @CarloJason.Arcega

    I have checked the case 1332037x, I cannot find any information about the Python version, WebSocket version: 1.6.1 and refinitiv.data Module version: 1.6.0 on the case. Where did you get this information?

    By the way, does the client connects to the RTO (I saw you mentioned the Machine-ID on the case), or the deployed ADS with the SSL Accelerator? I did a quick tested with the Python 3.7.16/WebSocket-Client 1.8.0 using both RTO - market_price_rdpgw_authentication.py (connect to WSS ADS on the Cloud) and RTDS - market_price.py (connect to local ADS). They work fine and can connect to ADS successfully.



    Note: I do not have the deployed ADS with SSL Accelerator in my environment.

    Please be informed that we, Developer Relations can help with the LSEG APIs general usage questions only. For this kind of question, we can help to verify if the client's source code uses a valid Real-Time WebSocket API specification. If the client already uses a valid code, but the problem is still persisting. I strongly suggest you contact the ADS support team as the WebSocket API is the server-side API.


  • Hello @CarloJason.Arcega

    I am assuming that you are connecting to the local deployed ADS. Can you replicate the issue with the Python market_price.py example? Please also give us more detail about your environment such as:

    • Python version
    • OS
    • ADS version
    • I am noticing your application was trying to connect to "wss://MY_HOST1:15000/WebSocket". Does your ADS is deployed behind the SSL Accelerator?

    I did a quick test with the market_price.py example with Python 3.10.14, websocket-client 1.8.0, connect to my local ADS 3.7.3.L1 (ws:// The example can connect and consume data successfully.


  • Python version: 3.7.16 (default, Jan 17 2023, 16:06:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]

    Websocket version: 1.6.1

    refinitiv.data Module version: 1.6.0

    hostname = "'MY_HOST1'"
    and user = "my_user"

    And error is the same for impacted ads:


    websocket-client version: 1.8.0


    Connecting to WebSocket wss://MY_HOST1:15000/WebSocket ...

    --- request header ---

    GET /WebSocket HTTP/1.1

    Upgrade: websocket

    Host: MY_HOST1:15000

    Origin: https://MY_HOST1:15000

    Sec-WebSocket-Key: 6h9vNh0+SY2zRgZg25kS2Q==

    Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

    Connection: Upgrade

    Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: tr_json2

    User-Agent: Python


    --- response header ---

    HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

    Upgrade: websocket

    Connection: Upgrade

    Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: tr_json2

    Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HTtmpsexkcAFTQB78GAx2xFJAqw=

    'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa7 in position 21: invalid start byte

    'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa7 in position 21: invalid start byte - goodbye

    WebSocket Closed

  • To recap, this case was initiated to investigate the cause of an error message encountered during the warmhandshake with ADS

    We did not received any clear information on the following points:

    1. Were you able to reproduce the issue on your end?

    2. Did you test it on various versions of the API?

    3. What about the ADS? Where and how are the header messages generated? Is this the same of all ADS versions?

    4. What is the mechanism behind these messages, and can this be controlled or configured somehow?

    5. Is this a recognized bug?

  • To recap, this case was initiated to investigate the cause of an error message encountered during the warmhandshake with ADS

    We did not received any clear information on the following points:

    1. Were you able to reproduce the issue on your end?

    2. Did you test it on various versions of the API?

    3. What about the ADS? Where and how are the header messages generated? Is this the same of all ADS versions?

    4. What is the mechanism behind these messages, and can this be controlled or configured somehow?

    5. Is this a recognized bug?

  • Hello @CarloJason.Arcega

    We, Developer Advocate are not the ADS support team, so I strongly suggest you contact the case to the ADS support team to investigate the issue on the ADS server side.

    You can contact the team via https://myaccount.lseg.com/en/helpandsupport website.
