Issue with "WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet" on Workspace VBA

I'm having difficulty with including the workbook name on "WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet". I'm using:

Sub WSRefreshSheet()
    Application.Run "WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet", True, 120000, "[Book1]Sheet1"
End Sub

But it doesn't run unless I remove the Workbook name ([Book1]). Works perfectly fine if only "Sheet1" is on.

"[Book1]Sheet1" runs well on Eikon via the "EikonRefreshWorksheet" function but seems to be bugged on Workspace. Is there something wrong with the VBA code or is "WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet" bugged?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I tested with "Sheet1".

    However, this macro is in Workspace Excel. Please contact the Workspace Excel support team via MyAccount to verify this behavior.