ALL App keys shown as incorrect App keys

I'm a new user to Eikon data API. When I try to use the api keys I got from App Key generator. I get an error saying 1721648300720.png

The output is the same irrespective of using Codebook or Jupyter, If I use my colleague's app key it works without issues

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @kusumanchi.ashish,

    In addition to the advise from @aramyan.h, the Eikon/Workspace checkbox must be selected, when the app-key is generated. If RDP or other product is selected, then that particular app-key will not be valid when using Eikon/Workspace API.


  • Hi @kusumanchi.ashish ,

    Were you able to generate APP keys via the APP KEY generator? if so, this is again a permissioning issue which you need to discuss with the Account Manager. If the account manager confirms that you are permissioned, you may need to talk to the HelpDesk (via Workspace Help@Supoort or for them to have a look.

    Best regards,
