What is the Validation option to be used for "Exclude Null Codes For Universal Close Price" in DSS R

I tired to fetch all the User Preference setting validation options from the link https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Users/UserPreferences(9015484). However, I couldn't find anything related to "Exclude Null Codes For Universal Close Price".

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sowmya.vt,

    Please attach the complete URL and the request message that you are sending.

    This is the correct JSON request format:

    "UserPreferenceId": *****USER_ID****,
    "ContentSettings": {
    "FiGlobalSnapshotPricesForPpxUs3Pm4PmEnabled": false,
    "IgnoreFinr": false,
    "ImportOfDuplicateInstrumentsAllowed": false,
    "ImportOfDuplicateLegalEntitiesAllowed": false,
    "ImportOfExpiredInstrumentsAllowed": false,
    "ImportOfOpenAccessRicsAllowed": true,
    "ImportOfUnsupportedInstrumentAllowed": false,
    "IncludeDelistedRicsForFileCodeExpansion": false,
    "PartialEmbargoedReportsEnabled": false,
    "IntermediateReportsEnabled": false,
    "DeltaReportsEnabled": false,
    "ReturnLastTradingDayPriceOnNonTradingDays": false,
    "ReturnNullCodeValuesInExtractionPricingFields": false,
    "RicMaintenanceReportsEnabled": false,
    "PreferredIdentifier": "RIC",
    "UseDseOverLipper": false,
    "DefaultToUsExchange": false,
    "UseConsolidatedQuoteSourceForUsa": false,
    "UseConsolidatedQuoteSourceForCanada": false,
    "AllowHistoricalInstruments": false,
    "UseDebtOverEquity": false
    "UiSettings": {
    "LongTimeFormatString": "HH:mm:ss",
    "ShortTimeFormatString": "HH:mm",
    "LongDateFormatString": "MMMM dd, yyyy",
    "ShortDateFormatString": "dd/MM/yyyy",
    "DateSeparator": "-",
    "TimeSeparator": ":",
    "DecimalSeparator": ",",
    "GroupSeparator": ",",
    "TimeZone": "Eastern Standard Time"

    You can also set this preference in the DSS GUI - under the User Preferences:



  • Hi @sowmya.vt

    All options can be found in the API Reference Tree: selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi.Help/Context/Entity?ctx=Users&ent=UserPreference

    I believe the option you want is: ReturnLastTradingDayPriceOnNonTradingDays

    Best regards,


  • Hi Gareth,

    Thank you for looking into the request.

    When i use "ReturnLastTradingDayPriceOnNonTradingDays": false in validation condition, i get below error message. Kindly advise.


    "error": {

    "message": "Malformed request payload: For the property name \"ReturnLastTradingDayPriceOnNonTradingDays\" in the JSON request the value could not be parsed successfully. Please check the casing or spelling of the property."

