RFA to download dictionary and save as a re-useable local dictionary

Is it is possible for RFA to download dictionary from ADS/ADH and save that dictionary for local use next time the app runs?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    Yes, it is possible.

    RDMFieldDictionary provides functions (encodeRDMFieldDictionary() and encodeRDMEnumDictionary()) to encode Series from RDMFieldDictionary. After that, the application can write the encoded buffer of Series to binary files.

    #include <fstream> 

    void Consumer::processDictionariesComplete()
    rfa::rdm::RDMFieldDictionary& dict = getRDMFieldDict();
    rfa::data::Series rdmSeries;
    rfa::data::Series enumSeries;

    //Encode dictionary to Series

    ofstream rdmFile("rdmfield.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
    ofstream enumFile("enumtype.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);

    //Get Encoded buffer of Series
    const rfa::common::Buffer& rdmBuffer = rdmSeries.getEncodedBuffer();
    const rfa::common::Buffer& enumBuffer = enumSeries.getEncodedBuffer();

    //Write encoded buffer to binary files
    rdmFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(rdmBuffer.c_buf()), rdmBuffer.size());

    enumFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(enumBuffer.c_buf()), enumBuffer.size());


    Then, the application can read those binary files and set the encoded buffers to the Series and then use RDMFieldDictionary::decodeRDMFieldDictionary() and RDMFieldDictionary::decodeRDMEnumDictionary() to decode the Series.

    char* Consumer::ReadAllBytes(const char* filename, int* read) 
    ifstream ifs(filename, ios::binary | ios::ate);
    ifstream::pos_type pos = ifs.tellg();
    int length = pos;
    char *pChars = new char[length];
    ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg);
    ifs.read(pChars, length);
    *read = length;
    return pChars;

    void Consumer::DecodeDictionaryFromFiles()
    rfa::rdm::RDMFieldDictionary& newDict = rfa::rdm::RDMFieldDictionary::create();
    rfa::data::Series rdmSeries, enumSeries;
    rfa::common::Buffer rdmBuffer, enumBuffer;
    int rdmSize, enumSize;
    char* rdmSeriesData = ReadAllBytes("rdmfield.bin", &rdmSize);
    char* enumSeiresData = ReadAllBytes("enumtype.bin", &enumSize);

    //Set binary data to the buffers
    rdmBuffer.setFrom(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(rdmSeriesData), rdmSize);
    enumBuffer.setFrom(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(enumSeiresData), enumSize);

    //Set buffers to Series

    //Decode Series with RDMFieldDictionary

    delete rdmSeriesData;
    delete enumSeiresData;


  • Hi @Akechi Sato

    As you may know, changes are made to the dictionary as & when required by Thomson Reuters e.g. there have been 5 dictionary service packs released in the past 6 months to add new Fields and update/add Enumeration types.

    If the application consumes data which contains a new Field that does not exist in the local cached dictionary or if the definition of the field or list of enumerated values have changed, the application could experience a problem.

    Please make your client aware of this.