How do we know the data is currently active?

From the response to GET API{referenceId}, how can I know whether the sanctions are still active? Is it as long as the “actions.endDate” is “null”?

And also for PEP data, is it active as long as “roles.end” is null? But there are some cases where both “roles.start” and “roles.end” are “null”, may I know the reason behind it?

Best Answer

  • ram.nitish
    Answer ✓


    To question 1:

    To ascertain whether sanctions are still in effect, you can locate information about the lifting of sanctions on an individual or entity within the text array. This section provides additional insights pertinent to the particular world check record in question.

    To question 2:

    Regarding PEP data, it is generally deemed active if the “roles.end” field is “null”. However, in instances where both “roles.start” and “roles.end” are “null”, it indicates that we are aware of the role being current, but the start and end dates have not been specified in the source document.

    Please feel free to let me know if you need further information.


  • Hi @boris.chan.

    Thank you for reaching out. We are currently looking into this matter and will get back to you shortly.

    Regarding your question about PEP data, specifically where both “roles.start” and “roles.end” are “null,” could you please provide us with some examples? Having specific instances will help us investigate the issue more thoroughly and provide you with a more accurate response.



  • An example would be the response from


    In the "roles", there is this object:


    "end": null,

    "location": null,

    "source": { ... },

    "start": null,

    "title": "Chairperson",

    "type": "PEP Role"


    and also this object:


    "end": null,

    "location": null,

    "source": null,

    "start": null,

    "title": "Head of Government;President of the Russian Federation",

    "type": "Position"


  • Hi @boris.chan,

    Thank you for the example provided, we will review this further and get back to you shortly with our findings.

