No updateMsg sent out during testserver message replay

I have recorded (I used the GCc1, a frequently being updated RIC) the play back file via testclient ... -of or -obf command successfully. However I encountered the problem that once I tried to replay that with testserver, only the refreshMsg received, no further updateMsg received on the testclient .

Test server command to replay:

testserver -S ELEKTRON_DD -E rssl -N 14002 -K -c -I 1 -tps 1000 -Q playback.xml -b -replay 1

testserver -S ELEKTRON_DD -E rssl -N 14002 -K -c -I 1 -tps 1000 -bdf playback.dat -b -replay 1

Test client command to test the replayed message receiving:

testclient -S ELEKTRON_DD -il GCc1 -h -p 14002 -ct rssl -I 1 -o 5000 -rtt -tss -X -d 3

The question is if I used a wrong command, or no timestamp information in the recorded file?

This is the command to do the recording:
./testclient -S ELEKTRON_DD -il GCc1 -authm oAuthClientCred -turl -surl -sloc ap-southeast -ct plugin -pluginName ./ -u <SVC_ID> -pw <OBFUS_PASS> -rtt -tss -tunnel ssl -I 1 -X -d 3 -obf playback.dat

Best Answer


  • Many thanks Jirapongse, is that possible we stick to the original timestamp interval for the message recorded? Or those timestamps are not designed to be kept in the recording file?
  • @Frederic

    I couldn't find any paramters that can be used to publish the recorded messages according to the timestamps. Please contact the RTDS support team to confirm this.