Understanding how RIC extensions can change Knowledge Direct API responses

Hi there,

I am trying to understand how different RIC extensions can provide different datapoints when using the "/api/Quotes/Quotes.svc/REST/Quotes_1/RetrieveItem_3" via the Knowledge Direct API.

For instance if I'm querying for AAPL.O I will receive "YRHIGH" but not "52WK_HIGH". On the flip side when I query for AAPL.NB I receive "52WK_HIGH" and not "YRHIGH"

I imagine there is a difference between the dataset that can be returned based on the RIC extension but I can't find any definitive answer around what data fields in the field look up guide would be available based on the RIC extension used.

Has anyone come across documentation like this or have any insight?

We have tried to rely on .NB RIC extensions so exchange changes wouldn't impact us but that does not seem to be viable with the new data we'd like to pull in.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I got the same data as yours.

    As this forum is more for programming type queries, rather than content queries - I would recommend you raise a 'I need help understanding content within the product' ticket with our helpdesk. That way a Content specialist can work closely with you and verify the assumption.
