RFA OMM States detailed description.


Is there a detailed description of the meaning for the different Omm State's? What I need is all different combinations and what they represent.

OmmState.StreamState.OPEN, // Stream state
OmmState.DataState.SUSPECT, // Data state
OmmState.StatusCode.ERROR, // Data status
"some issue")

I have so far only found examples of usage but not detailed description of all available scenarios in emaj_dev_guide_3.6.0.L1.pdf.

Kind regards,


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @johan.lundquist

    You can find the full description of the RTSDK State on section 11.2.7 State of the Transport API J Developers Guide (also available as ETAJ_DevGuide.pdf document in the <RTSDK-Java package>\Java\Eta\Docs folder).

    The ETA API is the transport API of the EMA, so the ETA's State object is the same as EMA's OMMState.


    Another section on the ETA J Developer Guide that may help you is Appendix A Item and Group State Decision Table.



  • Additionally, on the EMA folder there is the OMMState document on the EMA Java reference manual document (RTSDK-Java pckage\Java\Ema\Docs\refman\emajava\index.html) as follows:


  • @wasin.w excellent thank you very much!

    Kind regards,
