Eikon App Studio Webinar Mar 1: If a client will build up an own internal app. Must they do everythi

If a client will build up an own internal app. Must they do everything or have we already a Toolbox what he can use? Offer we as well the service to build up a apps for a client against payment?

Best Answer

  • Thomson Reuters does not offer a service to build apps on behalf of clients. We do however assign a technical resource to every App Studio project to assist app provider in creating the app. This technical resource helps the app provider to understand App Studio SDK, data model, and answer any technical questions that may arise.


  • Hey,

    First off, kudos to watson.w for bringing up this topic. It's got me all intrigued and nostalgic about my experiences.

    So, about Eikon App Studio Webinar on Mar 1, I remember being in a similar situation a while back. Creating an internal app can be quite the journey. To address the question, it really depends on the client's resources and needs. There might not be a one-size-fits-all solution, but there's a silver lining!

    Eikon App Studio could potentially provide a toolbox of pre-built components and templates, which could save a ton of time. But hey, sometimes a bit of customization goes a long way, right? Offering app-building services for clients willing to invest might be a great avenue. Not everyone's a coding wizard, after all.

    My advice to Was in.w would be to weigh the pros and cons based on your client's capabilities. And don't forget, an app isn't just lines of code – it's a solution to a problem. So, get cozy with the client's needs before diving in.

    So, I heard that the topic of Application Modernization and AI: Explore Top Trends To Follow in 2023 was also touched upon at this conference. It's true? Or was it another Webinar?