Can i get for Eikon api python, to generate a code for m&a deals screenin?

i need help for Eikon api python, to generate a code for m&a deals screening: worldwide deals, announcement date between 01.01.2010-31.07.2024, status completed, The deal value >$1 million, Both acquirer as target are Listed on a stock exchange, The acquirer holds <50% of the target’s publicly traded shares before the announcement date and >50% after, exclude financial or utilities industries (firms with primary Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes between 6000 and 6999 or between 4000 and 4999) , I want the data to display the deal number, announcement date (sorted from oldest to latest), target permid, target SIC, target nation, acquirer permid, acquirer sic, acquirer nation, deal value, payment type
